Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Postcolonial Writing Revisited

"The Hubris of Public and Personal History in The Afrikaner by Arianna Dagnino" - A Review by Hollay Ghadery
"Zoe’s stagnancy is a fascinating reflection of the seeming impossibility of finding closure amidst the disparate beliefs and attitudes in post-colonial West Africa. It’s hard to forgive. It’s hard to forget. It can feel impossible to move forward," writes Hollay Ghadery in her thoughtful and thought-provoking review of "The Afrikaner", which she finds "as surprising as any contemporary post-colonial novel I could imagine." You can read the whole review here: http://www.riverstreetwriting.com/blog/review-the-afrikaner

"The Afrikaner" shortlisted "Best Fiction 2020" by Miramichi Reader

Arianna Dagnino's THE AFRIKANER shortlisted for 'BEST BOOK' by Miramichi Reader. “Best Fiction” is the most popular categor...