Thursday, February 28, 2019

Group Book Launch in Vancouver, April 6, 7.00 pm

Join Guernica for their first launch of the spring season! Meet with the authors and hear them read from their books of literary fiction, drama, and non-fiction: "The Afrikaner" by Arianna Dagnino, "Quill of the Dove" by Ian Shaw, "Trapped: A Mother's Quest to Reclaim Her Daughters" by Alexandra Karb, and Revolt/ Compassion by Michael Springate.

Monday, February 25, 2019

A Cargo full of Literature

I have just discovered "Cargo Literary," a Canadian online literary magazine that publishes transformational travel experience.
Here is their "vision": "We publish creative nonfiction, memoir, personal essay, poetry, book reviews, and visual art including photography —submissions that evoke a strong sense of character, setting, movement, and the internal journey [...] Traveling invites us to shift our perspectives and asks us to draw upon the unfamiliar. Traveling seeks intention, requires communication.
Let's read together their latest issue here:

Sunday, February 24, 2019

EnviroNutrition for a Healthy Reading Life

Rading and writing is not enough to lead a healthy, balanced life.
We also need to exercise, use our time/resources wisely and eat even more wisely.
That's what "life designer" (architect-cum-nutritionist) Ye Chu suggests with her newly-devised, Vancouver-born concept of EnviroNutrition.
By the way, she uses a quote by the American writer & philosopher of good life Mark Twain to get her message through: "The secret of getting ahead is getting started."
Check her out here:

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Booktrailer for "The Afrikaner. A Novel" (Guernica, 2019)

Our son Leonardo (16) made this book trailer to promote  my book "The Afrikaner" online. This is just a preview. What do you think of it? Would you suggest any changes? Thanks for your feedback!  Arianna
Book Trailer of "The Afrikaner"

"The Afrikaner" shortlisted "Best Fiction 2020" by Miramichi Reader

Arianna Dagnino's THE AFRIKANER shortlisted for 'BEST BOOK' by Miramichi Reader. “Best Fiction” is the most popular categor...